Agronomist – Espírito Santo do Pinhal Regional University Center – Santo Antônio do Pinhal, SP.
Specialist in Environmental Management and Technology – Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo – São Paulo – SP.
Technical consultant at Milaré Advogados since 2014. Preparation of Technical Opinions, Environmental Diagnoses, Survey Reports, Divergent Reports, Preparation of Technical Quotations, Specialized Environmental Technical Assistance throughout the national territory to support technical and legal defenses. Regularization and Clearance of Notified Areas, Degraded Area Recovery Projects – PRAD and preparation of ecological restoration projects in the Ecological Restoration Support System – SARE, Floristic and Phytosiological Surveys of Flora, Preparation and Corrections of Rural Environmental Registration – CAR of Rural Properties.
Founded on June 23, 1996, and registered before OAB/SP under number 3,156, it was the first law firm in Brazil exclusively devoted to the Environmental Law practice. Its founding partner and consultant, Édis Milaré, is one of the most renowned names in environmental law. The firm has a team of highly skilled and prestigious professionals in both Law and Environmental Management.