Milaré Advogados

Pioneer in environmental law practice in Brazil, MILARÉ ADVOGADOS acts, for more than two decadesWe provide legal and technical services to the most varied economic sectors, seeking to make our clients’ interests compatible with the environmental protection and compensation instruments provided by law, thus providing continuity to the business without compromising the principles of sustainability.
To this end, we spare no effort allocating the best Legal Professionals, with noted knowhow and experience in the environmental area, not just in terms of the doctrine, but above all in the application of the various administrative and court-level mechanisms available to address every actual situation.

It is no chance that we are often consulted not just by our peer lawyers, but also by public authorities and trade unions to provide opinions on nationally relevant matters. Insofar as possible, we provide reliable trusted that can be applied in various sectors or activities.

Driven by a holistic view of the environmental domain and aware of the subject’s cross-disciplinary nature, we surround ourselves with distinguished professionals in different domains of science, with a staff of notable scholars in environmental sciences, humanities, and exact sciences – that is, recognized, award-winning experts.

Because we are committed to highly specialized service seated on the principles of ethics and sustainability, without losing sight of healthy, respectful competition, our work adds value and inspires followers. We are looked up to in the Environmental Law arena, which brings us great satisfaction and makes us proud of our work and of the dedication of our staff. This has repeatedly earned us the legal profession’s recognition both in Brazil and internationally, making usleaders in the field.

While respecting the tradition of the great Legal Schools and Scholars, which are the pillars of our sustained progress, we constantly pursue innovation, as the current state of the environmental subject requires integration with today’s profound social, political and cultural changes, all of which require new concepts and raise new challenges.

Knowledge, skill, courage and fighting. Hard fighting. The story, which begins when standing up for environmental causes still faced massive social resistance. Milaré’s pioneering spirit, refusal to give in to hardship, and willingness to consider the context as a means to chart new routes led to innovative proposals that were gradually incorporated into the projects that he ran.

Although the incorporation of the environmental variable into public policy took a great many struggles, and created sharp conflicts, our leader always prized the unconditional defense of the Law in every public service position he ever held. At the same time, he never refrained from potential settlement deals when the law so allowed, using every effort to lead candid, transparent talks aimed at consensus, in pursuit of outcomes beneficial to all parties involved, without valuing one side of the case over others.

Naturally, this kind of attitude was not always met with victory. But the experience provided the basis for the pedagogy that our law firm uses , that is, to understand an issue in depth, and weight and think through every potential path before settling on a particular stance.

Mission and Values

Our mission is to run Environment-related developments, projects, actions and interventions while trying to align our clients’ interests with sustainable principles, due respect for the ecosystem’s fragility, and meticulous compliance with the Law.

Ethics and Responsibility

Honesty and Transparency

Respect for human dignity
and differences

Areas of Operation

and Ethanol


and Beverage





and Engineering


Electronics and Appliances




Machinery and

and Steel

Paper and

and Gas


Services Rendered

We produce legal opinions that contemplate the transversality of environmental norms, relating them to other legal disciplines and proposing new concepts and other ways of approaching environmental issues.

We act in administrative and judicial proceedings with emphasis on the production of a significant volume of information, gathering documentary and technical collections capable of providing appraisers/judges with sufficient elements to compose their analyses.
We permanently follow the movement of our cases, trying to foresee, whenever possible, future scenarios in face of the understanding tendencies practiced in the several spheres, both administrative and judicial.
We actively participate in each phase of the process, accompanying technical meetings, inspections, expert examinations, hearings, among other procedures.

In addition to providing legal advice at the time an accident occurs, in order to define appropriate measures for each situation, depending on the severity of the problem and the impact caused to the company’s image and reputation, we seek to permanently guide our clients on the importance of previously conducting a risk analysis and implementing a prevention plan.

We provide technical and legal assistance in projects for the reversion of contaminated areas, aiming to readjust them for use, following all the stages foreseen in the legislation, from the preparation of action plans and risk monitoring to the implementation of new projects.

Technical and legal guidance in the implementation of activities that generate impacts, aiming at the fulfillment of all procedures required by the legislation, such as: terms of reference for license analysis, follow-up of reports, license applications, technical inspections, among others.

Guidance in the implementation of public policies for the Environment, from the administrative and legal implications to the training of the executive bodies.

Consulting in the preparation of bills of law at the federal, state and municipal levels, of master plans and economic-ecological zoning.

Orientation, technical and legal grounds, and negotiation of the terms of conduct adjustment, as well as the follow-up of its fulfillment.

Although the Mediation Institute is recent, our firm has been guiding and conducting, for a long time, situations that involve conflicts in the environmental area with the objective of finding a consensual solution.

Intervention in environmental lawsuits of social relevance and accentuated social repercussion, aiming at subsidizing the Courts for effective and fair judicial protection

In-company courses at Escola Milaré de Direito do Ambiente for the training and technical improvement of environmental lawyers and managers

Our Staff

With careful talent management, we have formed a gallery of qualified lawyers, committed to technical improvement and aligned with the values ​​of the office.

















General Services


General Services


Best Lawyers - _Lawyer of the Year_ Traditional Logo - Édis Milaré
BEST LAWYERS 2025 also chose our partner Édis Milaré as lawyer of the year in Environmental Law.
WHO’S WHO LEGAL: Thought Leaders – Brazil (2023) brought together some of our country’s leading lawyers and experts, including Édis Milaré, recognized as a leading figure in environmental law.
Considerado o melhor escritório de Direito Ambiental do país na 1ª Edição do Brazil´s Leading Lawyers Awards, em novembro de 2021, premiação encabeçada pela publicação estrangeira Leaders League.
Best Lawyers - Firm Logo - milaré advogados
The American publication BEST LAWYERS 2025 highlights Milaré Advogados in the Environmental category.
In 2013, Édis Milaré was given the Client Choice Award, environmental category, an “International Law Office” award for the lawyers most highly recommended by the in-house counsel of major corporations.
ACQ 2014 has for the second consecutive year awarded Milaré Advogados the Leading Customer Service Law Firm of the Year prize, as published in the Financial Times.
The firm has since 2012 been listed in the Legal 500 Latin America, an exclusive publication that covers only each Continent’s top 500 law firms.
WHO’S WHO LEGAL: Thought Leaders Global Elite 2019 menciona o advogado Édis Milaré na liderança do Direito Ambiental no Brasil, destacando sua contribuição para o avanço na legislação ambiental no país e sua competência técnica na advocacia ambiental.
For the sixth time in a row, LEADERS LEAGUE 2025 highlights Milaré Advogados as a leader in Environmental Law. The international publication carries out extensive surveys in Brazil with the financial officers of major business conglomerates. Our partners Édis Milaré and Lucas Tamer Milaré have been repeatedly highlighted. In the 2025 edition, in addition to our partners, our Leading Lawyers Maria Clara Rodrigues Alves Gomes, Thiago Sales Pereira, Rubens Silveira Neto and Lupércio Alves Cruz de Carvalho were mentioned.
In 2020, both Édis Milaré and Milaré Advogados are awarded Top Ranked Chambers Latin America.
LATIN LAWYER 250 2025 underlines the firm’s performance as the “leading environmental boutique in Brazil”, highlighting the standard in the practice of environmental law.
Internationally recognized, he has been awarded first place among Brazilians practicing environmental law by CHAMBERS BRAZIL, emphasizing the “boutique firm” on the legal scene. Our partner Édis Milaré is repeatedly mentioned at the head of Environmental Law, in the publication’s main category.
Having established itself in the market due to its high level of specialization in providing preventive and contentious legal advice, for the tenth time in a row it has received the best ranking in the ANÁLISE ADVOCACIA Yearbook, 2025 edition, with highlights in various economic sectors, including: Sugar and Alcohol; Banks; Electricity; Food, Beverages and Tobacco; Commerce; Construction and Engineering; Pharmaceuticals; Environmental Services and Sanitation; and Transport and Logistics. Since the beginning of the Yearbook, our partner Édis Milaré has been highlighted as a leader in Environmental Law, in the category of specialized lawyers. In 2025, our Leading Lawyers Maria Clara Rodrigues Alves Gomes and Thiago Sales Pereira were also ranked.

Books published.

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