Contato: (11) 3046-7470
E-mail: helio@milare.adv.br

Academic Background:

Specialist in Watershed Management at the Tsukuba Forestry Research Center – Japan (1983); Specialist in Economics and Rural Administration from Niigata University – Japan (1973); Graduated in Agronomic Engineering from the Faculty of Medical and Biological Sciences of Botucatu – Unesp (1972).

Prior Experience:

Environmental consultant for Milaré Advogados since 2015; Technical Advisor to the Office of the Director General of the Forestry Institute (1979/2014); Technical Advisor of the Office of the Secretary of Environment of the State of São Paulo (1992/1993); Director-General of the Forestry Institute (1987/1991); Coordinator of the Coordinator of Natural Resources Protection – CPRN/SMA (1989/1991); Agronomist/Scientific Researcher for the Forestry Institute, Agriculture Secretariat (1974/1986) and Environment (from 1987 on).


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