Milaré Publications

A relevant number of books and papers and released periodically into the legal literature market through our founding partner, Édis Milaré, who is widely regarded as the most important Environmental Law author in Brazil.

Environmental Law

Direito do Ambiente CAPA vFinal.indd
Environmental Law | 12th Edition
Direito do Ambiente 11ed CAPA web
Environmental Law | 11th Edition
Dicionario Direito Ambiental web
Environmental Law Dictionary
Doutrinas essenciais Direito ambiental vol7 web
Essential Doctrines of Environmental Law Complete Collection - 7 Volumes
Infraestrutura no direito do ambiente web
Infrastructure in Environmental Law
Direito penal ambiental web
Environmental Criminal Law - 2nd Edition.
Curadoria do meio ambiente web
Curator of the Environment
Legislacao ambiental basica web
Basic Environmental Legislation
01 Estudo previo de Impacto Ambiental CAPA web
Preliminary Environmental Impact Study

Public Class Action

The Public Civil Action after 35 years
Acao civil publica apos 30 anos web
The Public Civil Action after 30 years
A acao civil publica apos 25 anos web
The Public Civil Action after 25 years
A acao civil publica apos 20 anos web
The Public Civil Action after 20 years
A acao civil publica apos 15 anos web
The Public Civil Action after 15 years
A acao civil publica apos 10 anos web
The Public Civil Action after 10 years
A acao civil publica e a tutela jurisdicional dos interesses difusos CAPA web
Public Civil Action and the Jurisdictional Protection of Diffuse Interests
A Acao civil publica na nova ordem constitucional web
The Public Civil Action in the New Constitutional Order


Legislacao ambiental do Brasil web
Brazilian Environmental Legislation
Novo codigo florestal web
New Forest Code | 2nd Edition

Other Publications

Manual de direito publico e privado web
Public and Private Law Manual | 19th Edition
Revista do ADV edicao direito ambiental web
Revista do Advogado | Environmental Law Issue

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