Doctorate in Diffuse and Collective Rights, concentration on Environmental Law, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP (2016); Master in Diffuse and Collective Rights, concentration on Environmental Law, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP (2011); Expert in Environmental Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP (2007); Bachelor of Laws from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU (2003)
Professional Internship Course in Law, accredited by the OAB/SP (2002/2003); Internship at the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo (2001/2003).
The Gravity of Climate Change and the Legal System. São Paulo: Revista do Advogado – AASP, 2017; Contemporaneity of Environmental Law and Mining Law, under debate – Studies in honor of Professor Consuelo Yatsuda Moromizato Yoshida (co-author). Volta Redonda: Editora Jurismestre, 2017; O Licenciamento Ambiental de Hidrovias que Perpassam por Terras Indígenas (coauthor). São Paulo: RT, 2016; Public Civil Action after 30 years (coauthor). São Paulo: RT, 2015; Fundamental Themes of Diffuse and Collective Rights: Challenges and Perspectives (coauthor). Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2013; Aspectos Controvertidos do Direito Ambiental: Tutela Material e Tutela Processual (coauthor). Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2013; Novo Código Florestal (co-author). 2nd ed. São Paulo: RT, 2013; National Policy, Management and Solid Waste Management (co-author). São Paulo: Manole, 2012.
Founded on June 23, 1996, and registered before OAB/SP under number 3,156, it was the first law firm in Brazil exclusively devoted to the Environmental Law practice. Its founding partner and consultant, Édis Milaré, is one of the most renowned names in environmental law. The firm has a team of highly skilled and prestigious professionals in both Law and Environmental Management.