Contato: (11) 30467470

Academic Background:

Scientific researcher at the São Paulo Forestry Institute, where he managed the conservation units of the Picinguaba Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park, Anchieta Island State Park and Campos do Jordão State Park.
Senior Consultant in Workplace Safety, Environment and Occupational Health at Petrobras Engenharia, working on construction and assembly projects for onshore pipelines and industrial units.
Professor of Introduction to Scientific Methodology in the Biology and Geography courses at the State University of Mato Grosso – Unemat, carrying out research into the population and reproduction of the marsh caiman.
Professor of Occupational Safety in Machinery and Equipment and in Civil Construction, on the Postgraduate Course in Occupational Safety Engineering at the University of Vale do Paraíba – Univap.

Prior Experience:

Scientific researcher at the São Paulo Forestry Institute, where he managed the conservation units of the Picinguaba Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park, Anchieta Island State Park and Campos do Jordão State Park.
Senior Consultant in Workplace Safety, Environment and Occupational Health at Petrobras Engenharia, working on construction and assembly projects for onshore pipelines and industrial units.
Professor of Introduction to Scientific Methodology in the Biology and Geography courses at the State University of Mato Grosso – Unemat, carrying out research into the population and reproduction of the marsh caiman.
Professor of Occupational Safety in Machinery and Equipment and in Civil Construction, on the Postgraduate Course in Occupational Safety Engineering at the University of Vale do Paraíba – Univap.


Author of Horto Florestal de Campos do Jordão: past and present of preservation, Tachion Editora, 2023.
Co-authored by Édis Milaré, in the book Lei Florestal: uma análise após 10 anos, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2022;
Co-author of New Forest Code, coordinated by Édis Milaré, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2012.

Co-author of the book Novos Rumos do Direito Ambiental, coordinated by Geraldo F. Lanfredi, Mileninum Editora, 2006.
Co-author of the Anchieta Island SP Management Plan (Forestry Institute, 1989).

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